Garden Tortoises hibernating tortoise, are ‘cold blooded’ reptiles.
The Hermanns & Horsfields Garden Tortoise.
These are by far the most popular and hardy of all the Garden tortoise species. They need a warm barking area, but only during the daytime. This will then make them active. UVA light also plays a significant part in making these reptiles active, and keeping them in top condition. The best way to provide warmth, UVA and UVB light is to place the tortoise outside in your garden. It does not need to be a HOT day. As long as you judge it to be dry and mild, it can even be a cloudy day, as UVA and UVB both penetrate through clouds.
If the British weather is not warm for them to go outside, you need to provide Housing, (for garden tortoises this must be open, well ventilated not a vivarium. Vivarium are usually best suited to Tropical tortoises, as they require higher humidity). Our Complete Kits include the appropriate heat and lighting requirements to keep these reptiles in great health. In general, this heating and lighting should be on from about eight in the morning through to about five in the late afternoon. The removal of this heat and light will cause the animal to slightly dig in to the substrate and simply go to sleep.
The best location indoors to keep the Complete Set Up is usually a bedroom or a living room.
Feeding Your Tortoise.
These Tortoises are herbivores. That means they eat a leafy diet. they require a high fibre and low protein diet. Little fruit. Dandelion leaves and flowers, garden weeds, and on occasions during the winter time when these are not so plentiful, (if you have decided not to hibernate your new pet) then a small amount of curly kale mixed with a nice Round leafy lettuce, will be appreciated. These reptiles eat far less during the winter time. It is also quite normal for them to sleep and bury themselves in the substrate (what the tortoises walks on in the indoor enclosure).
You do not have to hibernate a garden tortoise. In their natural environment, due to the weather conditions, they are forced to hibernate from late October through to April.
Calcium & D3 Supplement.
It is very important to ensure your tortoise receives a regular vitamin intake. We recommend that our customers, use a quality calcium and D3 dusting powder two or three times a week.
Care of Tropical Tortoises.
Tropical tortoises by their very nature, originate from much warmer climates than the UK. Places like the Caribbean and Africa. These tortoises will need higher UV percentage bulbs, and generally need higher humidity than Hermanns and Horsfields. This is why for Tropical species like, Sulcatas, Leopards and Redfooted tortoises, we recommend that their indoor enclosure is a vivarium. This will contain the humidity more successfully than an open tortoise enclosure.
Tropical tortoises are not difficult to care for, but we do not recommend them as a starter tortoise. They are more expensive to keep than standard garden tortoises. They will require a minimum 21 degrees Celsius background heat at night time. Higher daytime temperatures are required. Also be aware, the Sulcata can reach 100 kilos in weight, will eventually require outdoor housing. This species is generally unsuitable for most people.